Outside Running Vs. Treadmill Running

I have been running for 5 weeks (only my 3rd week on Hal Higdon’s ½ Marathon Training Program). Leaving the gym this morning I was feeling pretty good about my level of commitments and my progress so far until my training partner burst my bubble by stating that we need to run outside more.

“What difference does that make?” I wondered.

She claimed that it was easier to run on a tread mill because it was a softer surface and your body doesn’t take as much of a pounding. Ugh!

After researching the topic, I’m still not backing her theory about the body taking less of a pounding on the tread mill, but I can say that there are some major differences between the two running conditions, differences that are causing me to be a little nervous about my upcoming 5k race on Saturday.

According to my research there are three primary differences,

  1. Lack of wind resistance
  2. The flat unchanging surface of the treadmill deck
  3. Effect of the moving belt on your running or walking stride

Lack of wind resistance

Overcoming this difference is simple; just elevate your treadmill to 1% or level 1. The slight incline will make a treadmill workout more equal to a free range run.

The flat unchanging surface of the treadmill deck

To overcome this  you should do two things.  First, when running on the treadmill, maintain a heightened awareness of the position of the belt, the position of your hips, the angle of your feet, and the amount of forward lean at all stages of your running stride.  Second, practice proprioception at all times.

“Proprioception is important in all running activities, but even more so when running on the treadmill. Runners tend to allow the action of the belt and the lack of wind resistance to change their stride to a more upright, bouncy form with a shorter, less powerful stride. Being more aware of your running mechanics will make it easier to transfer your normal stride to the treadmill and visa versa.”

Rick Morris (Running Planet)

Effect of the moving belt on your running or walking stride

Your running form should not change when you are training on the treadmill. You can avoid this from happening by focusing on your running mechanics.

“The most efficient running posture is one that is mostly upright and relaxed, with a slight, whole body, forward lean beginning at the ankles. You should not lean forward at the waist. Your chest should be pushed out and your shoulders back and relaxed. Avoid all tension in your upper body. Tension is a form wrecker.”

Rick Morris (Running Planet)

What should my stride look like?

According to an article on Running Planet (www.runningplanet.com), you should have a quick, compact running stride. You should take approximately 85-95 full strides per minute, less than that and your spending too much time on you feet.

Okay folks, I hope this helps! I am going to test this out during my runs this weekend.

Do you have any running tips for a running novice?

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4. Wear Designer Clothing

Recently, I won a contest for 2 free VIP tickets to the Sassy City Chicks Fashion Bash Sample Sale. I decided to enter the contest for two reasons:

  1. The awesome free swag that comes at these events
  2. Attending the event would be an opportunity to research What  Skinny People Do Observation No. 4: Wear designer clothing.

One of the “perks” of being physically fit is being able to wear designer labels off the rack!  I can’t wait to walk into Nordstorm and pick a pair of Joe jeans off the rack.

Although I am aware that some brands such as 7 for all mankind (in Lane Byrant stores only) and Dereon cater to full figured women, there are several brands that do not! I can recall countless showing trips were I have walked into the fitting room with a fabulous pair of jeans only to have them come to a complete and embarrassing halt at my thighs! Ugh!

But soon my time will come. And yes I will blog about it!

As for the sample sale, I was pleasantly surprised to see that some designers carried extra large tops and dresses, even though I didn’t come across any plus size clothing. There were plenty of accessories, cosmetics, shoes, an excellent D.J., and free liquor so overall the event was a success!

There was a time when I would have been offended by the exclusion of clothes in my size at events like these. But I am not so easily slighted any more. I take it as motivation to improve my figure and my health. If it is discrimination, I am sure organizations like the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) will take up the cause soon enough.

Until then I will continue to urge all Americans to take responsibility for their waistlines and not displace their disappointment with themselves onto designers. And yes, next year I will be able to pick me up a pair of size 10 jeans from the sample sale…stay tuned for change!

What is the 1st thing you plan to buy in your new size? Have you already lost weight? Tell me about your new favorite outfit!

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What do Jennifer Hudson and I have in Common?

My She-ro of the month and Weight Watcher’s newest spokesperson, Jennifer Hudson, motivated me to give Weight Watchers a try. Not only is the partnership a win for Hudson and Weight Watchers, it is my hope that it becomes a win for thousands of overweight people too.

Hudson won a little place in my heart during American Idol in 2004; she just appeared to be a humble and genuinely sweet person. She made me laugh and cry as Effie in Dream Girls (2006) and I couldn’t have been prouder when she returned to the stage after the tragic loss of her mother, brother, and nephew in 2009.

What made her join Weight Watchers?

Hudson stated that after the birth of her first child she wants to lead a healthier life style. She has decided to focus on eating right and exercising in order to be a role model for her child. In addition to counting points, Hudson has also started to run-walk for 45 to 60 minutes a day.

Hudson claims that keeping her eyes off the scale and on the goal of living a long, healthy life really helped her succeed with Weight Watchers.

My Weight Watchers experience so far…

I weighed in on Tuesday, April 20th at 188 lbs.  I have lost 12 lbs this year so far. I was a little disappointed because I had gained 4 lbs since the last time I had been weighed but it was not surprising (since I had been celebrating by birthday hard the previous month).  Afterward, I received my pocket guide and attended my first meeting which was actually enjoyable.

The meeting leader was very enthusiastic and the other women in the meeting had several helpful tips. After the meeting the leader helped all of us newbies calculate our daily points and explained how the program worked. My daily point target is 24. (Really! Only 24 points.)

Next we went over how many points different foods were worth and all the tools that Weight Watchers had available to help us be successful. I went for the “up sale” and bought a point calculator, Dining out Companion Guide, and the Weight Watchers Magazine.

I now feel refocused and up to the challenge of losing more weight. I will periodically write about my experiences and the results I see, so check back soon!

Have you had success with Weight Watchers? Do you have any tips to share?

Posted in Weight Loss Journeys | 6 Comments

Great Value Drink Mix

Once I accepted observation #3 — Skinny people drink water—  I was left with the overwhelming task of finding a substitute for my beloved sugar sweetened beverage of choice, Kool-Aid.  With a closed mind and tight purse strings, I braved the beverage aisle for something to quench my thrust without all the empty calories.

Diet soda — something that  I viewed as a beverage for diabetics — was first at bat. The after-taste was too over powering, though. I could not force myself to get past the after-taste and eventually resorted to drinking water during the day and having Kool-Aid only with dinner.

My saving grace

A girl friend of mine introduced me to flavored water. She explained how she doesn’t drink Crystal Light because of its after taste.  Instead, she purchased a generic brand of the low calorie powered drink mix and enjoyed it.

About a week later, I was completely floored when she brought me a pack and I saw that it was a Walmart brand product.  Though I was reluctant, I was eager for a drink that didn’t leave me with the dreaded aspartame after-taste.  After she gave me the rundown of the different flavors they had to offer, I decide to give it a try. From her research, the palette approved flavors are listed below for your reference.

  • Grape
  • Fruit punch
  • Cherry Limeade
  • Cherry

I was amazed! It was as sweet as my mommy’s Kool-Aid with no after taste and only five calories. An added bonus was my 7 year old daughter not tasting any difference!

Putting sugar-free to the test

Though I am sure you are ready to run out to Walmart to purchase “Great Value Drink Mix”,  I have to give you the results of my Millie Vanilli tasting.  This tasting took place during a girls-night-in with my friends and their daughters, ages 7-10.

As usual, the kids asked for a Capri Sun to quench their thirst, but this time we said no and that I would fix them some kool-aid. I had the kids leave the room so they couldn’t see the drink being prepared.

I made a gallon of fruit punch favored water and served it up to the girls. After a minute or so, I asked how it was and got a resounding, “Good!”  About 10 minutes later the girls all came back for seconds! Success!

Have you gotten away from drinks with sugar in them? How did you do it?

Posted in Millie Vanilli Cafe | 11 Comments

3. Drink Water

I grew up on sugar. Yes I mean “on sugar” since these days eating sugar has become as taboo as smoking cigarettes.

During my childhood, the kool-aid man was an icon in my parent’s house. Don’t judge! You don’t know him like I do.  LOL!  I can remember collecting kool-aid points and redeeming them for prizes.

On special occasions — Sundays and holidays — my siblings and I were allowed to drink sweet tea with our meals. On any given evening, you could find at least one 5 lb bag of sugar in the pantry.

Water was more of a last resort. Even during my athletic days, I relied on sport drinks to quench my thirst.

So you can understand my bewilderment over the discovery that skinny people drink water in mass amounts and love it! I couldn’t believe that they enjoy water so much that they buy bottles of it by the dozen.  Not only that, some people — for reasons that still elude me — invest in devices made for carrying insanely large amounts of it everywhere they go.

The skinny even order water with their meals. It really is their beverage of choice! I’m not going to delve into the different types of bottled water, filtering processes, or whether glacier water is better than Fugi.

But I will say that skinny people drink water so it must be right!

How much water should I drink?

Some doctors recommend the 8×8 rule. That is, drink an 8 ounce serving of water 8 times a day. you drink 8 or 9 cups of water a day.  Of course, everyone has a different need based on their health and how active they are.  Fortunately, there are calculators to help find the optimal water intake!

How do I know if I am drinking enough?

You shouldn’t feel thirsty during the day and your urine should be slightly yellow or colorless.

How many ounces of water do you drink a day?

Posted in Things They Do | 6 Comments

4SW- Hiking starts this Saturday!

This just in from my peeps at Four Seasons West. If you are looking to get in shape, have fun, and meet some really nice people, then this is the group for you! Best of all, its free!

Hiking with 4SW Pathfinders – 2010

We will kick off our 2010 summer hiking season with a pre-season walk/hike on May 1st. This outing will be your opportunity to meet seasoned pathfinders and new potential hikers.

Are you ready for the season? Do you need to work extra between hikes to keep up with the group? After Saturday you will be able to assess your needs and set goals. Our experienced hikers in the group can help anyone improve and always have fun doing it. Over time you will build new relationships while pushing you body beyond what you think is possible.

This walk/hike will be on a fire road off of Mulholland Drive. This is a perfect place to set your own pace and distance. We will walk for about 3 hours. Experienced hikers can complete 10 to 12 miles, while others will do 2 to 5 miles or whatever they are able to complete. There is no pressure, just come out and participate.

We will start at 7:30 A.M. and should be finished by 11 A.M. Wear hiking shoes or comfortable shoes with thick soles. Bring water, a snack, a hat, sunscreen and sunglasses.

You can meet the group at the trailhead parking area on Encino Hills Drive off of Mulholland Drive, (GPS – 17000 Encino Hills Drive, LA, 91436). To get there head west on Mulholland Drive from the 405 freeway to Encino Hills Dr. (about 2.7 miles). Turn left and follow the dirt road to the parking area. Remember we will start the hike at 7:30. A carpool/caravan will leave from Nita’s house at 6:45. Her address is 3940 S. Orange Dr., LA, 90008.

For more information contact Nita (323.307.6186) or Jeff (714.658.3409).

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KJLH 10th Annual Women’s Health Forum: Healthy is the New Sexy!

Why not supplement your weekend workout with some advice from the experts? I am attending the KJLH 10th Annual Women’s Health Forum this Saturday. Come join me!  Stevie Wonder’s radio station KJLH is hosting this community event and best of all it’s FREE!

Healthy! The New Sexy!

KJLH 10th Annual Women’s Health Forum

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Los Angeles Convention Center, 1201 S. Figueroa Street

Registration begins at 7 am
“Free Talk” with Adai Lamar LIVE Broadcast 8am-10am

Win Trips to the Bahamas! (Must be at the live broadcast from 8am-10am to win)

  • Be a part of the live broadcast of “Free Talk” with Adai Lamar.
  • Get “free” health screenings.
  • Visit the vendor area.
  • Join an exercise class.
  • Explore Holistic/Alternative health at the all new “Wellness Village”.
  • Taste Healthy Food Samples.
  • Win fantastic prizes.

For details on doctors, breakout sessions, pre-registration and forum agenda, follow this link to the KJLH website.

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2. Run Marathons

The ultimate test of endurance for a skinny person is to complete a marathon. This can only be surpassed by completing a triathlon, duathlon, or some other form of multi-sport foolishness endurance race. I have been told that at first, most have a love/hate relationship with the sport. But in the end they actually crave it!

Now, I am not saying that you have to go so far as to run a marathon.  But I will say…

Skinny people run! I am currently trying it and look forward to letting you know how it goes. I truly believe that you can run being overweight out of your system. How? Well the key to this is to run on purpose, run at a good pace, run for a considerable amount of time, and run often.

I know what you’re thinking. No, running to the mailbox or from your neighbor’s crazy dog isn’t going to cut it.  Ladies, unfortunately that stroll with your girl friends around the park while you spill the latest gossip isn’t going to help shed major pounds either.

You have to get out there and RUN!

What’s a good pace? Well according to my research (link?) a 14 to 7 minute mile pace will do the trick. I know that seems like lighting speed to the recovering couch potato but YOU CAN DO IT!

How far should you run? Start with 1 mile and work your way up. Nobody is saying you have to run a marathon but you should push yourself to stay on pace and to be consistent. Take walk breaks if you must.

Also, you should make sure that you have proper running shoes. I wouldn’t want you to injure yourself. In southern California we have places like Top to Top and Roadrunner Sports that analyze your stride and feet before recommending a running shoe. Look for places like this in your area and GET RUNNING!

Have you started running? Are you training for a race? Already ran one? Tell us about it!

Posted in Things They Do | 5 Comments

1. Make Working Out a Priority

Being skinny takes commitment. You can’t take the easy way out even if it means braving  10 below weather or a monsoon. Skinny people have mystical powers which allows them to over come obstacles that daunt the overweight.

An example of this is their ability to keep that appointment they made with themselves for a daily workout. Breaking this appointment is not taken lightly. And some actually feel so bad that they eat less or workout more the next day to make up for it!

Here in the land of the “physically aware” —  also known as Southern California — I see examples of this everyday.

Now, I know the songs states “it never rains in southern California”, but yeah every now and then it does. You would think that this would be a welcomed change. A guilt-free opportunity to take a break from an early morning or lunch time run.

NO! To the skinny, this is an opportunity to push themselves out of their comfort zone, to push it to the LIMIT!

Of course I have  an example.

Recently during one of the rare occasions when Southern Cal gets its share of the wet stuff, I watched a man running across a crosswalk. He was dressed in shorts and a tank top as if he was participating in the LA Marathon. My first haterish thought was, “That guy is crazy!” but later I concluded, “That guy has commitment”.

He has made a decision to take his health seriously and he isn’t going to let a little spring shower stop him. This guy was serious! I felt a little ashamed knowing I once stood in the rain for 2 hours at a Luther Vandross concert, but I won’t even leave my house in the rain to go to the gym!?!

Hopefully this blog will help me be committed to my goal by making me accountable to each of you.

The next time it rains or you’re tired after work, I challenge you to keep that date with a “heart pounding” workout!

Besides weather, what obstacles do you let keep you from working out?

Photo Credit

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Welcome to What Skinny People Do!

Welcome to my blog! I am so excited about this new venture and I am hoping that you will be too.

Two years ago I didn’t know what a blog was, but thanks to Michael’s (my boo) obsession with all things “bloggerish”, including his blog Southbayfoodies.com, I have decided to share in his passion by starting a blog of my very own.

What do I hope to accomplish?

I hope this blog will become a forum for all waistlines to get together and discuss being healthy.  All are welcome here: the skinny, past fat, currently thick, BMI challenged or whatever your current state may be. We all need to understand the benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a person’s outward appearance isn’t always an indicator of good health.

This blog is not about me wanting anyone to be a size 4 (if that’s not their goal). But it is about me wanting to see everyone live long, healthy lives free from preventable illnesses caused by obesity and unhealthy living. It is about the example I need to set for my daughter and my community.

I don’t claim to be a subject matter expert, but what I learn I will share here.  Your comments and personal experiences are welcome!

Thank you for joining me.  Stay tuned for change!

You’re invited to a Happy Hour to celebrate the launch of my blog!


Join me in VIP at Sharkeez – Manhattan Beach

Friday, April 30, 2010

5:00 – until

3801 Highland Ave.


2 for the price of 1 drink specials!!! 

$1 Jello Shots

FREE appetizers (for every 10 people, so bring a friend!)

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