13. Make reasonable New Years resolutions.

Now that all the pigging out celebrating is over, it’s time to tally up all the unwanted poundage and create your list of resolutions for 2012. That’s right, it’s time to once again promise yourself that you’re going to eat right and exercise more; slimming down to a “you” that even Aphrodite would envy.

Did you ever consider that everyone wasn’t meant to be a gym rat or that running long distances may not appeal to your inner couch potato? Resolutions should be small obtainable improvements to your way of life. You shouldn’t try to do an extreme make over on yourself.

Need suggestions for simple fitness resolutions?

Here are some alternative resolutions for you to try in 2012,

  • Walk the dog for 20 minutes once a day
  • Take kids skating once a week
  • Learn how to play tennis
  • Walk your kids to school
  • Walk to a local spot for lunch (then eat something healthy)
  • Take the stairs to your floor at work (start by doing it twice a week)
  • Pack a healthy lunch for work every day.

You might find that combining just a few of these activities is at lot easier than hitting the gym for an hour every day.  But the results could be just as effective.

What are some of your alternative New Year’s resolutions?  Let us know in the comments below!

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