Daily Progress Report

Michael — The main contributor at South Bay Foodies — and I have challenged each other to lose some weight. I am hoping that as a couple will be able to motivate each other to victory.

There is $100 up for grabs and of course my pride is on the line! How could I, Ms. Skinnypeopledo, lose to a “foodie”? By nature they eat, right?

To add some accountability, I have challenged myself to do a series of mini-posts in the form of a food and calorie log. With the help of my trust bodybugg, I will track and post the nutritional good, bad, and ugly of my day.

Well here goes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Summary Chart

Calories Consumed Goal   1850 Calories Consumed Actual 1611
Calories Burned Goal        2350 Calories Bruned Actual      2112
Calorie Difference Goal      500 Calories Difference Actual 501

*If Calories Burned – Calories Consumed = 500 cal. everyday; I should lose 1lb/week.

The good, the bad, and the ugly…

*My goal is 20% Protein, 20% fat, and 60% Carbs

I don’t feel that I did too badly for my first day. I didn’t skip a meal. But I did eat a lot of carbohydrates plus I didn’t work out at all yesterday. I will at the very lease try to walk tomorrow!

I was amazed, though, to see how much sodium is in my diet. 1170mg of that was from the noodles alone. I need to reduce my sodium intake and drink more water!

Do you have any helpful tips? Where else can I improve?

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